
Aa chhule Zameen!

This is how the French part in the chorus to A Tout Le Monde goes:

A tout le monde
A tout les amis
Je vous Aime
Je dois partir

And that second line actually sounds like Aa chhule zameen. Of course, you have to be looking for something like this to actually find it. That is why I'll state it right now that it was my sister who spotted it, not me. Either way, we can conclude that French is a funny sounding language. And even funnier when coming from Dave Mustaine.

So, the show. March 14th 2008. Early on, this band called Prestorika's up there and they're playing good heavy music. So I go closer to the stage, avoid a mosh-pit the smart way - go forward rather than backward. But then during the next song, the vocalist orders another pit and he points right in my direction. Now, I'm no mosher, but seeing people slowly edge away from me gave me a feeling of power. So I stayed still for another few seconds. I could almost shout out "I Have The POWER!!" - He-Man style. But then it hit me [not literally], when the fast double-bass beat began, when a shove came my way, that I wasn't powerful at all and I was at the mercy of the moshers, so I didn't even try to be smart, just dodged the pit sideways. But damn, that was close.

Enough of all that though. Motherjane, Thermal and a Quarter, Junkyard Groove, Pentagram, Millennium and even Machine Head failed to impress as we waited for Megadeth and would settle for nothing less. And when they did arrive, I started making my way forward. I wasn't gonna make the same mistake as I made with Maiden. [I jumped into the VIP area then instead of going forward, and though we got free drinks n stuff, we didn't get to see the gods up close.]

Here's showing how long it took..
Click on em to enlarge. Firefox users middle-click to open in new tab.
The beginning [after the easy part]
10 minutes later. And only now can you see that I'm actually closer.
One of the few pics that came out unshaken despite the zoom-in.
With people jumping vigorously all around me, I should get an award for such pics.
I was in the fourth row from the front by this time. Nearly half an hour to get there.

Around this time I could hardly move. So many fans packed in so little space makes for a tight squeeze. If I moved my feet, I'd invariably step on somebody else's foot. I couldn't get my arms below shoulder level as I'd have to fight for that space too. I just left em up there with my cam-phone, clicking away. Man, did my arms hurt. But then came a wave, not a mexican one, the one that's caused by an attempt at a mosh-pit in the distance. I went sideways by almost two feet[with everyone else of course]. Only my left shoe didn't. I almost knew that I could forget bout getting it back, but hey, I had to try. Simply asked people to move tellin em bout my shoe and in no time I was given space enough to find it and comfortably put it back on. Surprising to find such courtesy in a place like that.. From people who shout "Megadeth" in tune with the riff of Symphony of Destruction. Annoying as hell. JUST LISTEN TO THE SONG DAMMIT! A sample:
Listen around the 00:28 mark.

Anyway, here's a video of em playing Trust followed by a couple more pics..

Sidenote: Coming back out took about two mins.

To conclude, it was amazing fun, and this bit was amazingly funny
I actually had the following conversation with a friend over SMS.

Him: You still at the show?
Me: Yeah.
Him: Megadeth is performing?
Me: Yeah.
Him: Dave Mustaine is there?
Me: Duh, duuude!

I show the messages to my friends around and have a great laugh. I wont reveal the poor soul's name lest he die of shame, which he should, in an ideal world. 'coz he claims to be a Megadeth fan, and more importantly claims to be smart.


Anonymous said...

the complete coverage with the pics n vids... great, aj reuter... nice work...

The Rebel said...

Yeah, if only I hadn't posted it over a month late, eh?

Sheryll Sampson said...

Sister??? (Yes.. after all that blogging- text,pictures and videos, that's all i can say.)

The Rebel said...

Yup. I have one of those too.

(a sister)